I reside in India and we faced the brunt of many bad policies during our Delta wave in mid-2021.

I also wrote about it here:


Although, I am now getting some clues that things were not as bad as they were portrayed in the media even here, which is good.

This article also reminded me of something I asked recently on Twitter. EVEN IF Covid19 was as bad as people said, given it comes and goes in waves, what EXACTLY does the medical community do during the troughs? Why didn’t the Doctors who were neutral on the utility of early treatment drugs, spend some time researching them during these troughs?


[ In case someone finds my account is suspended: I make a lot of snarky comments on Twitter - just to irritate the people who keep calling IVM as horse-dewormer, usually- and I also keep asking questions about vaccine injuries. I am sure I am going to be kicked out shortly :-) ]

Your article is a good example of someone during research during the trough, although your reason seems to be quite different. But I am still not sure why we did not see more of it from the frontline doctors and nurses?

Thank you for writing this and I look forward to reading your future articles. In a future article, can you also touch on why more nurses did not speak up, and maybe speak up a bit earlier? Was it just mostly out of fear of losing their jobs? Was it also genuine confusion about the disease itself? Were there any other factors that the outside world could not see?

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Thank you for your comment and links. My experience during the troughs in my particular area of nursing, which is in the postoperative setting, was to get those patient's whose surgeries had been cancelled/postponed/delayed back up and running. Unfortunately, my thirst for knowledge is not matched by some of my colleagues in my profession. There are a lot of lazy people who want information spoon fed to them, and are not willing to devote the time to do the research, and let's face it, it takes a lot of time to do this research (I feel like I'm back in grad school somedays). So if the narrative is being pushed in the hospital by like minded people, or doctors too afraid to stand up and stand out on certain therapeutics, then everyone else will march to the same beat. Anyone with a differing opinion will keep it to themselves for fear of ostracism or fear of reprisal. In my next piece I will be touching somewhat on nurses not speaking out, or questioning the narrative from my direct experience, but I dream about doing a study where nurses can talk about all of the topics you bring up in your questions in a safe and anonymous environment.

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Yes, I sort of had an idea that the total research was clearly overwhelming. Believe it or not, I was in the exact OPPOSITE camp earlier, even volunteering time to help out some researchers who were trying to find useful signals in the overwhelming amount of literature which was coming out in early 2020. I even created a now abandoned tool to help search through the literature, organized by sections etc.

[Removed link I had shared before. I don't want to make it look like I am trying to get backlinks :-) If anyone is interested, leave a reply and I will provide it]

It was for a sort of a Machine Learning competition, so everyone involved just moved on around July 2020 when it ended.

But even then, I remember feeling like the drug repurposing topic was not given as much importance as the modeling for C19 spread and the (frankly idiotic) quest for getting better and better estimates for how many would get severe C19 and how many would die, instead of figuring out some way to FIX the problem.

If I knew our work was eventually going to be turned against all of us who were helping out, I wouldn't have bothered volunteering. But of course, the vaccines were also coming "any moment now", we were all told, so I did not really think that much about it.

I thought we would have moved on by now. So I cannot even believe that so many people are dying from C19 even now in the US. And I cannot believe Pfizer just raised the price of the vaxx (when you would expect it to go DOWN given sagging demand). And I can't help but feel the folks at Big Pharma are cooking up something new :-(

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