December of 2020 was my awakening to ivermectin, but it was also my awakening to the novel mRNA COVID-19 gene therapeutic agent (aka COVID-19 vaccine). The institution that I worked for, Northwell Health, or what we liked to call, the mother ship, was going to be the first in the nation to fire the first shot across the bow, or into the arm of one of our unsuspecting nurses.
The CEO of Northwell Health is a guy named Michael Dowling. This gentleman hails from Limerick, Ireland, but has quite the American story. He completed his graduate work here in the states at Fordham University in social policy. He went on to be a professor of social policy and assistant dean at the Graduate School of Social Services. While working at Fordham, Dowling was recruited into Mario Cuomo’s administration, and made the deputy secretary and director of Health, Education, and Human Services. He spent 12 years in Albany advising the governor on social topics including homelessness, Medicare, and the cocaine epidemic affecting New York at that time. He was also commissioner of the New York State Department of Social Services. In 1995, Dowling accepted the position of senior vice president of hospital services at Northwell Health, the old North Shore-LIJ Health System. Two yeas later he rose to executive vice president and chief operating officer, and another five years later he became the president and CEO of Northwell Health (Irish America, 2020). Not too bad for a boy from Limerick.
So in honor of Michael Dowling from Limerick, I am honoring him with a Limerick poem. I hope you enjoy it.
A Limerick for a Limerick
There once was a boy from south Ireland
Who traveled abroad seeking fortunes and,
He made it real big
in a medical gig
Merging hospitals out on long Island.
This boy had a grand plan indeed.
Spread his tentacles out like a weed.
Go into each town:
Throw money down,
And build upon his corporate greed.
Community hospitals fell
Under this leprechaun’s spell.
The staff dressed the same,
and chanted one name
To the mother ship they called Northwell.
Then one day a pandemic came,
and the boy now a man rose to fame.
He stepped up real quick
To care for the sick,
and everyone soon learned his name.
The pandemic proved a big pay dirt,
and he buddied with Governor Pervert,
Who the ladies still loved,
but the old folks he shoved
To their death, looking sharp in his brownshirt.
Just as the virus seemed worse,
A vaccine was set to disperse.
Our Irishman beamed
at this medical scheme,
as he sacrificed Sandra the nurse.
He expected that all would comply.
“Safe and Effective” was his battle cry!
He expected compliance
for this was the science:
Side Effects?...He would turn a blind eye.
As his patience grew thin he got mad.
Employee “anti-vaxxers” were bad!
So he fired the lot
Who refused to be shot
By a virus that came from a lab.
My limerick tells a pretty cogent tale of what happened to me at the end. I refused to take an untested gene therapy, and therefore I was fired by Northwell Health. But I didn’t just refuse blindly. This was actually part of my awakening. In December of 2020, like I said earlier, I was learning about Ivermectin from Dr. Kory. The other thing happening in December 2020 was the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine to healthcare workers. I was on winter break from my university job, and working per-diem at the hospital at that time. Initially the vaccine was being rolled out to the full-time staff, and I was most certainly eligible, however, I was taking a watchful waiting approach to this vaccine.
You see there are two things I haven’t mentioned about my background. The first being I had a vaccine reaction when I first started nursing. It was my second hepatitis B vaccine that put me out for about a month. I was sick as a dog, my liver was attacked, and it took a lot of time to heal. Prior to that injury I had zero negative opinions on vaccines. I had taken all of my childhood vaccines. I had done zero research into vaccines. In fact, I was happy to take the Hepatitis B vaccine, because remember at that time we had an AIDS epidemic going on, and Hepatitis B went hand in hand with HIV, or so we were told. Needless to say I never went back for the 3rd shot.
The other thing I hadn’t mentioned was that I worked for four years in clinical research at a big university hospital connected to a big VA hospital. I was around 24 years old when I took this position. I was also under qualified, under degreed, and under prepared for what I was about to experience. Naivety can be a blessing in disguise. This was the point in my career that forced me to grow up, and wake up. I learned how things in medicine and research were actually done. We had grants from the NIH, and we had pharmaceutical grants as well. I really learned the ins and outs of this system. Pfizer was one of the pharmaceutical companies that we were an investigative site for. Can you guess what little blue pill we studied? My experience with this company, and to be fair, all research in general, was unsettling. Greed was clearly the driving force. The patient’s were just the vehicle to get to the cash cow. The patient’s were our veterans. They felt a duty to volunteer. They were an eclectic bunch of men that had varied backgrounds of experience in generational wars. Their socioeconomic backgrounds varied greatly. Some were well off, some lived in SRO’s, some had been to prison, but all were being used. It took me some time to realize that. When I did, I tapped out. In fact, I was so disgruntled, I left nursing all together. I went to the French Culinary Institute, and cooked for a year in NYC. It was a needed break, and although I loved to cook, I longed to be a nurse. That was my true calling, and I took a position in the cardiac care unit at a major university hospital and never looked back. I had finally found my place.
Fast forward back to December of 2020, and you can now understand my hesitancy to take an untested product (from Pfizer), and inject it into my body, knowing what the initial reports on side effects were showing from Europe. When the vaccine roll out was set to begin in the United States, our CEO Michael Dowling began sending out emails that he expected compliance to be 100% for this vaccine, and that was before it was even available. This was a huge red flag for me. Typically vaccine compliance expectations for influenza is around 80%, so when I first saw 100% for the COVID-19 vaccine, I knew exactly where this would be going.
On December 14, 2020 Nurse Sandra Lindsay of Northwell Health was the first nurse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States.
This put Northwell Health, and Michael Dowling on the world stage. As the hospital rollout continued that December into January (off camera), I continued to work per-diem. During those shifts my colleagues were heading off to the conference room one by one to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. When they returned to the unit, some of them didn’t look too well. Some of them had to go home sick, and some of them had serious problems as evidenced by the rapid response team calls to the conference room that I was hearing each time I worked! Between what I was researching, and what I was hearing and seeing with my own eyes, I knew this “vaccine” was not for me. When asked by my unit nurse manager (also a good friend), if I was going to take the vaccine, I told her no, I didn’t think there was enough evidence for safety and no long-term data to support taking it. She cracked a joke about not worrying about side effects, and would rather that than COVID!
It was obvious to me that my colleagues truly believed this was a vaccine, like any other vaccine we had been subjected to in our past. I was so disappointed at the lack of critical thinking, and curiosity, and the willingness to inject an untested, unblinded, and potentially unsafe vaccine into their bodies, when most of them had had COVID already…and lived to tell the tale! Throughout 2021 I continued to work my university job, and that summer I spent picking up shifts at the hospital. I continued to remain COVID free. As pressure turned to threats to be vaccinated or “exited” from Northwell, I remained steadfast in my position.
On September 28, 2021 I received a phone call from the manager of my department (not my friend) and the director of my department (who I was friendly with). They tag-teamed me over the phone and informed me I was being terminated (“exited”) for failure to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. I knew this was coming, I was prepared, but it was a poisonous sting none-the-less. I remained calm, and reminded them I had started at that very hospital as a 17 year old LPN, and returned as a 33 year old RN. I had devoted over 15 years of service, had over 30 years of experience, had still not even contracted COVID, knew that the vaccine had not been studied against transmission, stated that the FDA admitted it hadn’t been studied against transmission, and ended with telling them they were on the wrong side of history. And just like that I was out…but not down.
I knew where I stood. I knew the research. I knew some day I would be vindicated. I believe this day is coming. It has been over one year since I was exited. Pfizer’s representative just admitted out loud that transmission was never an endpoint (and yes I knew this all along), vaccine adverse events can no longer be hidden, sudden adult death syndrome is rampant, sports players and celebrities just seem to drop dead, and all cause mortality is on the rise in highly vaccinated countries.
In May of 2022 I finally contracted COVID. I took my vitamins, and rode it out on the couch. It was the worst headache I could remember having, and when that subsided, the rest was like a flu. I got better. And my mom and husband who I was so worried about in the spring of 2020 also got COVID and survived. They both took Ivermectin and supplements, and did well.
Recently I went to a retirement party for one of my hospital colleagues. Two of the nurses were talking about recent medical issues. One believed her issues was caused by the vaccine (a cardiac problem), the other said nothing either way (but her problem was autoimmune in nature). Others said they were done with taking shots, and would not get a booster. This was just one small table of nurses out of 3 million. I’m sure there are many more, who maybe didn’t drop dead, but are struggling with new onset illness’ and autoimmune diseases. It’s time for these nurses to stand up and speak out. We were used, we were deceived, and we were injured…for what?
I’m glad I woke up when I did. I’m thankful to all of the doctors (Dr. Kory, Dr. Marek, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Lawrie, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Montagnier, Dr. Shankara Chetty, Dr. Ladapo), scientists (Dr. Vanden Bossche, Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Mullis), and researchers/attorneys/politicians/artists/musicians/authors & others (Del Bigtree and the highwire, RFK Jr., Steve Kirsch, Dr. Rose, Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, Attorney Jeff Childers of C&C News, Bad Cattitude, eugyppius, Alex Berenson, Margaret Anna Alice, No College Mandates, Ron DeSantis, Senator Ron Johnson, JP Sears, Bob Moran, Five Times August, George Orwell, Joe Rogan, and my family and friends) and anyone that I may have overlooked, that were brave enough to speak up and speak out, despite the censorship, and discrediting that they incurred.
I pray for my fellow nurses who may be struggling. It is never too late to speak out. It is never too late stand up. And it is never too late to wake up!
If you are a nurse and have worked through COVID and/or have been injured by the COVID-19 vaccine please share your story or your experience waking up (anonymously if needed).
Thank you for sharing your story. May it inspire other people, and especially nurses, to speak out.
Is this article the last part of the story?
Have you made any reports to VAERS till now? What is your view on it?